Monday, January 19, 2015

Varizon Fios vs Comcast

To choose internet service provide is very tough task to do, specially when you have multiple options available like Comcast, varizon FioS and RCN. I have been through this confusion. So just for you I have made some point which will help you decide which internet service provide you should opt for.
I was considering only comcast and varizon fiso, so I have provided few points for Varizon Fios vs Comcast. Hope that helps you:)

Plus points about Varizon Fios:
1. It provide equal download and upload speed
2. It provides internet through fiber cable
3. It could save your few bucks if you go for 2 year contract other wise it's same as comcast

Negative point about Varizon Fios:
1. You will be binded to one service provide for 2 years if you go for it that only for few bucks
2. If you break your contract you have to pay fees for that which ultimately cost you higher than other provider
3. Provide less free tv shows compared to other service provider
4. Only few Wi-Fi hotspots available nationwide with Internet service
5. Have to pay for Internet protection and security

Plus points about Comcast:
1. You can use internet service with out any contract
2. You get 4,000,000+ Wi-Fi hotspots available nationwide with Internet service
3. It provides comprehensive Internet protection and security
4. Gives Free TV shows and movies available On Demand
5. Even without using fiber cable it gives very good quality internet and TV service
6. Last but not the least decads of experience in giving internet services

Negative points about Comcast:
1. Less upload speed to compared to Fios

Only reason to choose FioS over comcast could be save few bucks by taking 2 year contract. On the other end you get better service and good quality internet and TV service with value added services like Wi-Fi hotspots , Free TV shows, comprehensive Internet protection and security , Readable voicemail, Text Messaging from your home phone, Universal caller ID to your home phone, TV, PC and smartphones and more. Ultimately it will help you save some bucks on your mobile data plan (by using wi-fi hotspot) and cost of Internet protection and security. So you can get everything you want with out any contract. Personally I would suggest to go for comcast still you have to take your own decision. You get special offer price on comcast through my referral link and start shopping.

Please order online through my referral.